What Is Safe Routes to School?

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs strive to improve accessibility to walking, bicycling, and rolling to school for students and their communities. SRTS work and efforts take place at federal, state, and local levels. While SRTS projects have existed in the US since the 1990s, the federal government has provided funds for SRTS programs since 2005. These funds go to state departments of transportation, where they are allocated to specific projects at local school districts and governments. Local SRTS coordinators provide bicycling and walking safety education, encouragement events, and advocacy for infrastructure improvements. Their work is guided by the Six Es: Engagement, Equity, Engineering, Encouragement, Education, and Evaluation.

Safe Routes Partnership is the national non-profit organization that coordinates SRTS efforts and advocacy nationwide. These are some of the benefits they list for SRTS programs:
